



Born in 1961 in St-Hyacinthe, Canada, François Desnoyers studied French literature at Montreal university from 1983 to 1986 and Studio art at Concordia university, in Montreal, from 1986 to 1989. Since 1996, the artist has lived and worked in Brossard, Canada. From painting to computer modified photography, His practice examines the mystery of existence through dueling concepts – consciousness and oblivion, presence and absence, permanency and evanescence, fact and interpretation. Desnoyers is best known for painting interiors where the domestic and banal become spiritual, magical and alive with hidden meaning.

The series entitled “Memories” (2000 – 2003), dealing with the sense of loss, was showcased in his first important solo exhibitions in Montreal, at Lieu Ouest gallery in 2000 and at la Maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges in 2001. He has, since then, garnered recognition through various group shows in Spain, at the New Art Barcelona exhibition (2002), at the municipal museum of Ourense (2006), in France at the International exhibition of Nantes Chantenay (2006) for which he was recognized for his body of work, and at The 21st exhibition of paintings and sculptures at the Chapelle Saint-Benoit-d’Argenton-sur-Creuse (2007). Since 2015, the artist redefined the landscape genre to represent the current climate crisis. “Rag Lands” (2023 –) is the most distinctive series in this respect, exploring unconventional material such as old rags, used bed sheets and discarded commercial fabric in order to express precarity. His work is part of various private, corporate and public collections, such as the Lavalin corporate collection which is now owned by the Montreal Museum of contemporary art.


1983-1986: BA in French literature at Montreal university, Canada
1986-1989: BA in Studio art at Concordia university, Montreal, Canada

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2015 "Recent Paintings", Gora gallery, Montreal, Canada
2007 "Poetry of daily life", Hall des arts, Brossard, Canada
2005 "Recent Paintings", Gora gallery, Montreal, Canada
2003 "Recent Paintings", Gora gallery, Montreal, Canada
2001 "Painting", Maison de la culture Côte-des-neiges, Montreal, Canada
2000 "Memories", Lieu Ouest gallery, Montreal, Canada

Selected Group Exhibitions

2006 Festival of Japanese & Canadian Current Art, Montreal, Canada
2006 Ourense museum, Ourense, Spain
2006 International Show of Nantes Chantenay, Nantes Chantenay, France
2004 Art Miami, Miami, USA
2003 The Affordable Art Fair, New York, USA
2002 New Art Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2001 Galerie Lieu-Ouest, Centre Belgo, Montreal, Canada

Recognition and honorary mentions

2007 Chapelle Saint-Benoit d'Argenton-sur-Creuse, Centre-Val de Loire, France, "21st exhibition of paintings and sculptures" under the patronage of the Canadian embassy and the Town Hall of Argenton - for which he received an award for his contribution to the promotion of art from Quebec on the international scene.
2006 Groupement artistique de Nantes Façade Atlantique - fédération internationale des beaux-arts, Nantes Chantenay, France, "exhibition of painting and sculpture 2006" - for which the artist received an award for his body of work.
2006 Municipal museum of Ourense, Galicia, Spain "25st exhibition of painting and sculpture 2006", under the patronage of the Canadian embassy and the Town Hall of Ourense - for which he received an award for his contribution to promote the art from Quebec.
2005 Arte Mondo, televised interview with Anita Aloisio.

Public and private collections

The Museum of Contemporary art of Montreal, Canada - (The Lavalin Collection)
Bernard Lamarre, Montreal, Canada
Joe Padulo, Naples, USA
Jo Gora, Montreal, Canada

Selected events and commissions

2005 "Desnoyers on the Roof", Gora gallery, Montreal, Canada
   - Follows an invitation to create a temporary mural on the rooof of the exhibition area.
1992 For the Sharx Pool Bar at the Faubourg Ste-Catherine in Montreal, Canada.
   - The creation of murals for the privately owned club, covering three walls of the entrance hall.
   - The creation of two large metal works commissioned for the bar area.

Press and publications

"Poésie des gestes quotidiens", Le Courrier du Sud, june 30, p.33 (2007)
Rémi Turgeon, "Recent Paintings", Gora Gallery (2003)
Luk Côté, "Peinture", La maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges (2001)